Tweets by @markusgattol |
Before we start, there are a few things we shall never forget:
Philosophical Warm-upThis section is pretty much just about non-technical chatter. Feel free to skip it... Are we at War?Is this Cyberwarfare and what about Cybercrime? The short story is that any entity (individual person, institution, etc.) connected to some sort of net capable of exchanging digital information (e.g. Internet) becomes a potential target for malicious activities.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here (Internet). Nowadays media confuses normal folks and scares them by telling Hollywood-like nightmare stories about all the dangers coming from using modern communications. However, that is nonsense since those experts are mostly pretenders since they only have limited knowledge — they are simply good talkers. As ever, knowledge is power and so I am telling the reader right now that there really is no reason to be scared at all — modern communication technology is a blessing but there are of course a few things you should know in order to be safe. By saying so, let us use a metaphor — let us think about a city and pedestrians. It is clear to anyone not to try crossing a 6 lane motorway but to wait until the traffic light shows the green walk. Everybody knows that because it is simply. Not knowing about it might make the difference about something awful happening or getting home in one piece. It is exactly the same with modern communications — nobody stays at home just because the streets are full of cars — it is knowledge that takes the fear away and makes heaven open up angels singing. So, anybody can be safe if he is willing to learn a little bit — same as the kid with traffic lights. It is important to understand that there is no single thing or a bunch of things that need to be done and after that one is secure. That is just what marketers tell you After you installed our... with a single click... secure forever. Bullshit! Liars!
Security is a process not a product. I have decided to put the spotlight on two distinct spots. The first one (Cybercrime) mainly of interest to the individual and the second one (Cyberwarfare) to whole nations, companies and such huge/complex compounds. Although the borders between those two spots are blurred, it is a sane approach to discuss the whole security subject in that manner. CybercrimeAlthough the term cybercrime is usually restricted to describing criminal activity in which the computer or network is an essential part of the crime, this term is also used to include traditional crimes in which computers or networks are used to enable the illicit activity.
I draw the line between cybercrime and cyberwarfare like this — with cyberwarefare, the bad girls and boys know exactly what/who they want to go after. With cybercrime the girls and boys just want to be bad on someone. This is exactly where I feel comfortable creating the connection between the individual (you, me, your cat) and the cybercrime topic. All one has to do in order not to draw the attention of the bad girls and boys onto himself is to know a thing or two and to take a look to the right and to the left before crossing a street. It really is simple to not become a victim of cybercrime — if you do not make yourself a target, then you do not get shoot... its as simple as this. Cyberwarefare on the other hand is a lot more fun since we are talking grown up games here — that is where the real heavy players on both sides enter the playground. There is no hiding on both sides. The only question remaining with cyberwarefare is who can perform better when the bullets start flying, who has the better moves and which team has the greater rock stars. Hot Spots with CybercrimeNow, that we put the spotlight on the cybercrime corner, we can spot several distinct areas of interest which I am going to discuss further down. Below is a list/index that links to all places on this page that I consider belong in the cybercrime corner for the most part.
CyberwarefareYes, we are at war. It is just that losses are measured in falling stock markets instead of body counts, failing infrastructure like knocked out power plants etc. Modern bullets come with emails, VoIP (Voice over IP) and by clicking buttons on websites. Modern soldiers carry out their attacks by sitting on desks next the circling goldfish in his aquarium. Fighter planes that go twice the speed of sound do not help against such threats since crackers act with about 2/3 the speed of light. However, usually the individual is not directly confronted with this kind of attack since it simply is not worth it — the haul by attacking Ebay, Myspace, Amazon, YouTube or similar targets seems more like the right thing to do for bad boys and girls. Practically every company that has something valuable (technology, data, etc.), governmental department, financial institutes, etc. are subject to attacks on a daily basis. We are at war... this war is global, takes places 24/7/365, no bullets fly but looses are enormous...
Hot Spots with CyberwarfareNow, that we put the spotlight on the cyberwarfare corner, we can spot several distinct areas of interest which I am going to discuss further down. Below is a list/index that links to all places on this page that I consider belong in the cyberwarfare corner for the most part. The big PictureThis page is not just technical but also philosophical and non-technical. Folks need to be told that there is a war taking place — the sooner they realize it, the higher are chances they will get away unharmed and never be bothered but just walk the bright side. There are many ways to be secure respectively more secure than with so called turnkey solutions or out of the box solutions — do not believe marketers! This breed usually talks a lot but do not say anything... Talk to experts if you are capable of telling the difference between pretenders and the real experts — ask around, experts exist but they are sought after so be either prepared to wait or provide some compelling offers4.
In the end, what counts is the human component. Thereby I am not just talking about the technicians setting up and monitoring some computers and the like. I am also talking about constant end-user training in order to teach them basics what to do in certain cases — if a company manages to bring their non IT (Information Technology) staff to a level where they call for an expert whenever they think they might have come across something weird or suspicious then that is perfect — the expert can then drop by or even better, remotely log into the workstation and for example take a look at the local screen and instantly tell what is going on. That way the IT staff is always up-to-date — human sensors are a thousand times better than intrusion detection system5 — and the non technician staff learns constantly which motivates them and therefore is pure money for the company since happy folks work a lot better. Philosophical AspectsWRITEME Good versus Evil? Is it really that simple?No. It is not that simple. It is as complex as real life. There are just good deeds and evil deeds — anybody is good and evil at the same time. But then what is good and what is evil? Is it what the majority of us thinks/does? That is not necessarily true... well, for example, for the most part, we agree that murder belongs in the evil corner whereas helping someone who needs help is a good thing. That is easy and the majority of us ticks this way but what about planet earth? The right thing to do would be to really change our lifestyles because not destroying this planet is good so what the majority does is evil. See? Not that easy at all to define Good and Bad. Finding an answer about What is good and What is evil becomes easier when we chose to discuss things within limited subjects like IT (Information Technology) security. It then becomes as easy to identify good deeds as well as evil deeds with IT security as with good/evil deeds in real life. Knowing about what is good and what is evil is mandatory in order to plan in the long-term. It is about moral as well as ethic values with humans since highly educated and trained humans can do so much good things but... as with a hammer, that knowledge and skills can be used to build or to destroy. It is thus important to make folks aware of the fact that it is vital to us all that being able tell the difference between good and evil, more than ever before, is utterly important for highly skilled humans. Often such highly skilled and smart humans lack the capability to distinguish Good from Evil and thus there is a lot at stake here — such humans are weapons these days if they decide to take the wrong turn in their lives or even worse if they are sort of directed by someone else just because they never really thought about The difference between doing good and doing evil with modern IT.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. I am not going to explicitly tell what is good and what is evil but the reader might get to know it simply by walking around on my website and particularly on this page. Implications for the Life of an IndividualThe first thing to learn about security is to be aware of the fact that you should not trust anybody or anything nor believe anything you sense, what somebody or something (a technical system, software, etc.) tells you and the like. Sure, in the end you have to make your peace with some sort of relation that you establish with your environment — it only becomes dangerous when folks stop questioning the world they are living in. The downside is, if you take it to serious with security you might get paranoid over time. Some where born with paranoia and others prefer the process of feeding their paranoia like a little pet until paranoia has grown up and finally decides to eat his master ;-]
I at least know a bit about that1 and therefore I can ensure the reader, the sooner you accept the fact that a hundred percent security is impossible, but you of course tried and in the end managed to prepare your environment to provide a reasonable degree of security, the more soulfulness and business related success will be in your life.
The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast There is a simple but genius way to determine — at the point, where more security means bad implications for your physical and/or mental health, you know you got to the point where it is enough — you did all you where able to do2. More security is of no good when you are dead or ill... The thing is, most security threats will not get even close to harm you even when you do not overstretch the paranoia parameter in the afore mentioned manner. My advice is to identify the most critical issues with your IT setup and then act on that priority list starting with the item that has been assigned the highest priority and so forth until you run out of time and/or money or even worse, human capital3 — but keep in mind that once an issue has been addressed it has to be constantly monitored (this is a 24-7 job). Why do we fear?What do we fear?
What it seems to be and what it actually isThe random non security expert, sitting at his computer, always thinks all is fine, life is great suits him well and no threats are present. The laymen always thinks all is a super-cute-little thing (left image) but in fact it is not (right image). The situation is more like with gamma radiation (that stuff that comes with the mushroom cloud) — you do not smell it, can not see it and you can not hear or feel it — fact is you are already fading away and you do not even know...
The random user might just check his firewall logs (what are you talking about? I know ;-]), sort out the usual noise and take a look at what remains — what remains is certainly not cute but mostly a serious threat. Common Attack MethodsWRITEME
Brute ForceMAC FloodingARP SpoofingDoS (Denial of Service)A Plan for SecurityWRITEME Policydevelop (together with staff) and enforce/take care of a security policy TrainingEducate staff and raise awareness of the fact that there are dangers (clerk, administrators, etc.) User ResponsibilitiesWhat is a users responsibility
Security Managementhow to manage
Physical Security
Prevent Data LossCreate a dedicated page that covers
Security DomainsThis section takes a detailed look at all domains within an IT setup, the security threats they face, the risks involved and challenges that arise when we address them and thus secure our ongoing IT operations. TrustA simple definition of trust:
The history part is simple. We know if we have suffered from a relationship with some entity (e.g. a remote computer, person, etc.) in the past or if we have benefited — plain and simple, we just know. It is the know an entity part that creates the labor. In order to know some entity it needs to be authenticated (verify if some entity is who/what it claims to be). Real-world life has numerous examples how this works or not:
So, as we can see, except for situations where ultimate trust can be assumed (e.g. when Kimberly and Araid, two long-standing mates, meet in person) a trust relationship erodes more and more until it vanishes entirely and there simply is no trust left. If we look at Kimberly and Araid's situation and stretch it to a common pig picture view plus add the notion of modern communications, then it becomes obvious that there will be situations where we will deal with entities which we do not know at all, we have no history with, or even if we know them and have history with, we simply cannot meet in person because the other person might live thousands of kilometers away... No worries, we can help ourselves manage those situations with the help of a view principles and tools. In the following I am going to show how to use proven concepts and methods in order to establish trust-relationships with human as well as machine entities without the need to be in the same room with them and without the need to already know them i.e. have a history with them. The tools we are going to use (e.g. GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)) are all free software and so they are available with DebianGNU/Linux. The methods and principles we are going to use are OpenPGP, Web of Trust, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), etc. Once we have managed to establish trusted relationships by the means of the just mentioned tools and concepts we can use them to
GNU Privacy GuardGPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC 4880, which is the current IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) standards track specification of OpenPGP. GPG allows to encrypt and sign our data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kind of public key directories. GPG is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications. A wealth of frontend applications and libraries are available. Current versions of GPG also provide support for S/MIME. Below, I am going to provide examples, starting with the most basic ones about how to use GPG for day to day work in a secure and comfortable fashion. MetaphorFirst thing we need to do towards the goal of establishing trusted relationships for all sorts of modern communications is to create a digital identity of ourselves others can verify and thus authenticate us. We do so by creating digital data which is, roughly speaking, unique. Also, once this data is known by others, it becomes a perfect digital second us to verify. It helps the novice to think of this digital second us as of a paint that is unique — no one else possesses the same paint and no one else can recreate it but ourselves. Now, if we paint something (e.g. an email) with our paint and send it off to someone, he can make sure that email was send by us when he looks up the senders name (our name) that particular paint is associated with. If the From field would say we are the sender but the paint the email comes with would not match our particular name at the look up table, then the receiver would know someone has tampered with that email and thereby altered the color of the paint. With GPG we have no paint but instead we have digital keys. We also have no color look up table but we have key servers. What does not change is the fact that there is, for example, email with some sender and its receiver(s). So, when creating a digital key (the second digital us that is), we create our own unique paint which we can use to paint all kinds of digital data like for example emails, documents, music, videos, etc. While the just mentioned example is a metaphor with regards to GPG's digital signing capability, GPG can do a lot more as we already know from above. PreparationsBefore we can start we need to have a few packages installed 1 sa@wks:~$ type dpl; dpl gnupg* | grep ii 2 dpl is aliased to `dpkg -l' 3 ii gnupg 1.4.9-4 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement 4 ii gnupg-agent 2.0.11-1 GNU privacy guard - password agent 5 ii gnupg-doc 2003.04.06+dak1-0. GNU Privacy Guard documentation 6 ii gnupg2 2.0.11-1 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement (new v2.x 7 sa@wks:~$ Line 3 and 6 are actually the same but then
Overall, there are a bunch of small goodies and improvements that come
with Those who want to use Creating a GPG KeypairGPG uses public-key cryptography so that users may communicate securely. In a public-key system, each user has a pair of keys consisting of a private key and a public key.
A user's private key is kept secret i.e. it must never be revealed to someone else. The public key may be given to anyone with whom the user wants to communicate. In addition, GPG uses a pretty sophisticated scheme in which a user has a primary keypair and then zero or more additional subordinate keypairs. The primary and subordinate keypairs (more on that later) are bundled to facilitate key management and the bundle can often be considered simply as one keypair. Finally, go here for a real-world example and return afterwards. Generating a Revocation CertificateAfter our keypair is created we should immediately generate a revocation certificate for the primary public key. Why is this a good idea? If we forget our passphrase or if our private key is compromised, lost or superseded, this revocation certificate may be published to notify others that our public key should no longer be used. A revoked public key can still be used to verify signatures made by us in the past, but it cannot be used to encrypt future messages directed at us. It also does not affect our ability to decrypt messages sent to us in the past if we still have access to the private key. Let us take a closer look at how to create a revocation certificate for a public key (I am using my primary keypair to demonstrate things): 1 sa@wks:~$ gpg --fingerprint --with-colons Markus | grep fpr 2 fpr:::::::::F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38: 3 sa@wks:~$ pi asc 4 sa@wks:~$ gpg --output revocation_certificate_for_F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38.asc --gen-revoke F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 5 6 sec 1024D/C0EC7E38 2009-02-06 Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 7 8 Create a revocation certificate for this key? (y/N) y 9 Please select the reason for the revocation: 10 0 = No reason specified 11 1 = Key has been compromised 12 2 = Key is superseded 13 3 = Key is no longer used 14 Q = Cancel 15 (Probably you want to select 1 here) 16 Your decision? 0 17 Enter an optional description; end it with an empty line: 18 > Creating a revocation certificate just in case... 19 > 20 Reason for revocation: No reason specified 21 Creating a revocation certificate just in case... 22 Is this okay? (y/N) y 23 24 You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for 25 user: "Markus Gattol () <foo[at]>" 26 1024-bit DSA key, ID C0EC7E38, created 2009-02-06 27 28 ASCII armored output forced. 29 Revocation certificate created. 30 31 Please move it to a medium which you can hide away; if Mallory gets 32 access to this certificate he can use it to make your key unusable. 33 It is smart to print this certificate and store it away, just in case 34 your media become unreadable. But have some caution: The print system of 35 your machine might store the data and make it available to others! 36 sa@wks:~$ pi asc 37 -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 332 2009-03-17 14:43 revocation_certificate_for_F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38.asc 38 sa@wks:~$ mkdir .gnupg/my_revocation_certificates 39 sa@wks:~$ mv revocation_certificate_for_F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38.asc .gnupg/my_revocation_certificates/ 40 sa@wks:~$ I prefer to specify a keys unique fingerprint for its UID (User ID) on
the CLI (Command Line Interface) which is why I issued line 1. Line 3
is an alias in my With line 4, we use the fingerprint from line 2 in order to create our revocation certificate for that particular keypair. Lines 5 to 23 are straight forward. In line 24 we are prompted for the password used when creating the key. Line 36 is the same as line 3 except that now we find our just created revocation certificate. I have a few of them for several GPG keys so I put them all in one place (line 39) save (block-layer encryption on top RAID 6 + I do mirror the whole shebang).
Using the Revocation Certificate to revoke a KeyWhen using/activating the just created revocation certificate because
we need it (e.g. key has been compromised; see lines 10 to 13 above),
we need to be aware that most key servers do not accept a bare
revocation certificate on its own i.e. sending just
In order to make it work, we have to import the certificate into GPG
first (
The reason for that is that I/we needed to make new keys using an RSA primary key instead of the default DSA key because the former default for DSA was to use the SHA1 cipher which is now (June 2009) considered insecure. Note that we (Debian developers and GPG folks) have already switched to RSA for creating primary keys — in other words, those creating new GPG keypairs after June 2009 do not have to worry about anything but can use all my articles about security, GPG and SSH (Secure Shell) without the need to create a new GPG keypair. Others simply create a new keypair, this time having GPG use RSA for the primary key per default already. 1 sa@wks:~$ whoami; pwd; date -u; gpg --search-keys 0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 2 sa 3 /home/sa 4 Wed Jun 10 13:27:44 UTC 2009 5 gpg: searching for "0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38" from hkp server 6 (1) Markus Gattol () <markus.gattol[at]> 7 Markus Gattol () <website[at]> 8 1024 bit DSA key C0EC7E38, created: 2009-02-06 9 Keys 1-1 of 1 for "0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38". Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > Q 10 sa@wks:~$ gpg --import .gnupg/my_revokation_certificates/revocation_certificate_for_F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38.asc 11 gpg: key C0EC7E38: "Markus Gattol () <[email protected]>" revocation certificate imported 12 gpg: Total number processed: 1 13 gpg: new key revocations: 1 14 gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model 15 gpg: depth: 0 valid: 4 signed: 1 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 4u 16 gpg: depth: 1 valid: 1 signed: 0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 1m, 0f, 0u 17 sa@wks:~$ gpg --keyserver --send-key 0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 18 gpg: sending key C0EC7E38 to hkp server 19 sa@wks:~$ gpg --keyserver --search-keys 0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 20 gpg: searching for "0xF6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38" from hkp server 21 (1) Markus Gattol () <website[at]> 22 Markus Gattol () <markus.gattol[at]> 23 1024 bit DSA key C0EC7E38, created: 2009-02-06 (revoked) 24 Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > Q 25 sa@wks:~$ With line 1 we basically get an idea about some relevant things plus
we can see that the key Line 10 is where we take the first of two steps in order to revoke the key — we import the revocation certificate which we created earlier (see above) into the local keyring/key. Next we send the key with its revocation certificate onto the keyservers (lines 17 and 18). That is it... A final check in line 19, which is the same command as in line 1, gives us proof as we can see the change between line 8 and line 23. Uploading the Public Key to some Key Server1 sa@wks:~$ grep keyserver .gnupg/gpg.conf 2 keyserver hkp:// 3 sa@wks:~$ gpg --search-key Markus Gattol 4 gpg: searching for "Markus Gattol" from hkp server 5 gpg: key "Markus Gattol" not found on keyserver 6 sa@wks:~$ gpg --fingerprint --with-colons Markus | grep fpr 7 fpr:::::::::F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38: 8 sa@wks:~$ gpg --with-colons --fingerprint Markus | awk -F: '/fpr/ {print $10}' 9 F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 10 sa@wks:~$ gpg --list-key $(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint Markus | awk -F: '/fpr/ {print $10}') 11 pub 1024D/C0EC7E38 2009-02-06 12 uid Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 13 sub 4096g/34233DEF 2009-02-06 14 15 sa@wks:~$ gpg --send-key $(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint Markus | awk -F: '/fpr/ {print $10}') 16 gpg: sending key C0EC7E38 to hkp server 17 sa@wks:~$ gpg --search-keys Markus Gattol 18 gpg: searching for "Markus Gattol" from hkp server 19 (1) Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 20 1024 bit DSA key C0EC7E38, created: 2009-02-06 21 Keys 1-1 of 1 for "Markus Gattol". Enter number(s), N)ext, or Q)uit > Q 22 sa@wks:~$ In order to not have to type With line 3 we query a key server for a particular identity —
As can be seen in line 5, at the time line 3 was issued there was no key with some UID that would match our search pattern. In lines 6 to 9 we just look for a way to get the fingerprint and only the fingerprint of the public GPG key we are about to upload to the key server. This is optional i.e. any other UID will do. The real deal is with line 15 where we upload the key to
After we did successfully upload the key, we issue line 17 which is the same as line 3 but then now we find our key. Digitally sign and verify DataGo here for a real-world example and return afterwards. Signing KeysHint: it might be a good idea to run sa@wks:~$ alias | grep refresh-keys alias mls='gpg --refresh-keys; mlnet &' sa@wks:~$ simply because I am not interested in remembering such stuff and manually triggering it automatically whenever I launch the donkey is ... well... somewhat funky... Of course, a user cron job would do too but that would clearly be to ordinary ;-] To sign a public key using GPG, we can use the command GPG will then select the first key that it finds in our keyring which matches the given specification and will ask whether we really want to sign it. If we have two or more keys with the same user ID, we can use the key ID (e.g. fingerprint) instead of the UID to specify the key uniquely. Note that GPG (unlike PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)) will not accept any substring of the key ID for this purpose i.e. if we opt for the fingerprint then we need to specify the entire fingerprint and not just a portion of it. Unlike PGP, GPG has an option for creating local signatures. A local
signature is one that cannot be exported together with the public key
to which it applies. This prevents our signature from being propagated
if we send a copy of the signed key to anyone else. To create a local
signature, we use 1 sa@wks:~$ head -n2 .gnupg/gpg.conf 2 no-greeting 3 default-key F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38 4 sa@wks:~$ gpg --with-colons --fingerprint Markus Gattol | grep fpr 5 fpr:::::::::F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38: 6 sa@wks:~$ gpg --list-sig tim.blake 7 pub 1024D/BA65A133 2009-03-19 8 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 9 sig 3 BA65A133 2009-03-19 Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 10 sub 4096g/91C1E9AC 2009-03-19 11 sig BA65A133 2009-03-19 Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 12 13 sa@wks:~$ gpg --sign-key Tim 14 15 pub 1024D/BA65A133 created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: SC 16 trust: undefined validity: unknown 17 sub 4096g/91C1E9AC created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: E 18 [unknown] (1). Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 19 20 21 pub 1024D/BA65A133 created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: SC 22 trust: undefined validity: unknown 23 Primary key fingerprint: 8D8C 2445 6DC2 C3CE B397 BBDA E8CC 14AD BA65 A133 24 25 Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 26 27 Are you sure that you want to sign this key with your 28 key "Markus Gattol () <foo[at]>" (C0EC7E38) 29 30 Really sign? (y/N) y 31 32 You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for 33 user: "Markus Gattol () <foo[at]>" 34 1024-bit DSA key, ID C0EC7E38, created 2009-02-06 35 36 37 sa@wks:~$ gpg --list-sig tim.blake 38 gpg: checking the trustdb 39 gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model 40 gpg: depth: 0 valid: 2 signed: 0 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u 41 pub 1024D/BA65A133 2009-03-19 42 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 43 sig 3 BA65A133 2009-03-19 Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 44 sig C0EC7E38 2009-03-19 Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 45 sub 4096g/91C1E9AC 2009-03-19 46 sig BA65A133 2009-03-19 Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 47 Lines 2 and 3 show two nice settings in order to not get the copyright and version information each time plus, I also have a default key ID which saves a lot of typing in the long-run. The fingerprint of lines 3 and 5 match — I just wanted the reader to see where the key ID belongs to and why it is chosen automatically further down in line 28. With line 6 we just look up an arbitrary key from my keyring which I
have not signed yet. We are going to do so starting with line 13 where
we specify a substring ( In line 32 we are prompted for the password used when creating the key. In line 37 we issue the same command as we did in line 6 but this time
the output looks different — we can see the added signature on Tim's
key in line 44 which we just created using my default key with the key
ID/fingerprint Another nifty utility to check for who signed a key comes with the
package In lines 38 to 40 shows some lines indicating some information about trust. More on that later... We have now successfully signed somebodies key and should probably send the key to some key servers again, effectively merging our changes (the signing) back into this key on the key servers in order for the key to fulfill its purpose in the WOT (Web of Trust).
As already mentioned, the package sa@wks:~$ dlocate signing-party | grep bin/ signing-party: /usr/bin/keyanalyze signing-party: /usr/bin/gpgdir signing-party: /usr/bin/gpg-key2ps signing-party: /usr/bin/keylookup signing-party: /usr/bin/sig2dot signing-party: /usr/bin/gpgparticipants signing-party: /usr/bin/gpgsigs signing-party: /usr/bin/gpglist signing-party: /usr/bin/process_keys signing-party: /usr/bin/caff signing-party: /usr/bin/gpg-mailkeys signing-party: /usr/bin/gpgwrap signing-party: /usr/bin/pgp-clean signing-party: /usr/bin/pgp-fixkey signing-party: /usr/bin/pgpring signing-party: /usr/bin/springgraph sa@wks:~$ Deleting a Signature from our Key48 sa@wks:~$ gpg --edit-key Tim 49 Secret key is available. 50 51 pub 1024D/BA65A133 created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: SC 52 trust: undefined validity: unknown 53 sub 4096g/91C1E9AC created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: E 54 [unknown] (1). Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 55 56 Command> check 57 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 58 sig!3 BA65A133 2009-03-19 [self-signature] 59 sig! C0EC7E38 2009-03-19 Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 60 61 Command> uid 1 62 63 pub 1024D/BA65A133 created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: SC 64 trust: undefined validity: unknown 65 sub 4096g/91C1E9AC created: 2009-03-19 expires: never usage: E 66 [unknown] (1)* Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 67 68 Command> delsig 69 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 70 sig!3 BA65A133 2009-03-19 [self-signature] 71 Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)N 72 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 73 sig! C0EC7E38 2009-03-19 Markus Gattol () <foo[at]> 74 Delete this good signature? (y/N/q)y 75 Deleted 1 signature. 76 77 Command> check 78 uid Tim Blake () <[email protected]> 79 sig!3 BA65A133 2009-03-19 [self-signature] 80 81 Command> q 82 Save changes? (y/N) y 83 sa@wks:~$ Assuming that for some reason we want to delete a signature from a key, we can of course do so. In particular, we are going to delete the signature we created in lines 13 to 34. We start with changing into interactive mode in line 48. Line 56 provides us with all signatures on Tim's key — he signed it himself in addition to our signature which we did with my default key. Line 61 is important — we need to switch to the correct UID on Tim's
key in order to carry out certain actions otherwise we would get a Since there is only one UID associated with this key we choose We do not want to delete Tim's self-signature (line 71) but the one we created (line 74). A check in line 77 confirms that we just successfully deleted the signature we created in lines 13 to 34. We could remove any number of signatures we wanted, the ones we
created plus those of others. In fact there is a tool called With line 81 we are done which means we can leave the interactive mode and save our changes. What are Trust, Validity and Ownertrust?With GPG, the term ownertrust is used instead of trust to help clarify that this is the value we have assigned to a key (by signing it with our private key) to express how much we trust the owner of this key to correctly sign and thereby possibly introduce other keys/certificates in case the key is new. The validity (a calculated trust value) is a value which indicates how much GPG considers a key as being valid i.e. that it really belongs to the entity (e.g. person, remote machine, etc.) who claims to be the owner of the key. The difference between trust/ownertrust and validity is, that the
latter is computed at the time it is needed. This is one of the
reasons for the trust-database ( It is important to understand those concepts and their interconnection in order to understand how the trust thing, and especially the WOT (Web of Trust), works. Let us summarize and clarify:
OwnertrustWe can get a list of the assigned ownertrust parameters (how much we
trust the owner to correctly sign another person's key) with 1 sa@wks:~$ gpg --export-ownertrust | grep $(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint Markus Gattol | awk -F: '/fpr/ {print $10}') 2 F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38:6: 3 sa@wks:~$ gpg --list-trustdb | grep C7E38 4 rec 30, trust F6F78566432A78A90D39CDAE48E94AC6C0EC7E38, ot=6, d=0, vl=31 The first field in line 2 is the fingerprint (key ID) of the primary
key, the second field is the assigned ownertrust value where a number
We should keep these parameters (the ownertrust we assigned to keys) confidential because they express our opinions about others. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) implementations of OpenPGP store the
ownertrust information with the keyring thus it is not a good idea to
publish a PGP keyring. GPG is a bit smarter here — it stores the
ownertrust parameters for each key in ValidityWe can see the validity using 5 sa@wks:~$ gpg --list-keys --with-colons Markus Gattol | grep pub 6 pub:u:1024:17:48E94AC6C0EC7E38:2009-02-06:::u:Markus Gattol (http\x3a// <foo[at]>::scESC: 7 sa@wks:~$
The value in the Web of TrustWanting to use GPG ourselves is not enough. In order to communicate securely with others we must have a so called web of trust. At first glance, however, building a web of trust is a daunting task. The people with whom we communicate need to use GPG as well, and there needs to be enough key signing so that keys can be considered valid enough to be trusted. These are not technical problems — they are social problems. Nevertheless, we must overcome these problems if we want to use GPG or any other OpenPGP implementation out there. When getting started using GPG it is important to realize that we need not securely communicate with everyone of our correspondents. We can start with a small circle of people, perhaps just ourselves and one or two others who also want to exercise their right to privacy. We generate our keys and sign each other's public keys. This is our initial web of trust. By doing this we will appreciate the value of a small, robust web of trust and will be more cautious as we grow our web in the future. In addition to those entities (those one or two individuals) in our initial web of trust, we may want to communicate securely with others who are also using GPG. Doing so, however, can be awkward for two reasons:
The first reason occurs because people do not always advertise that they use GPG. The way to change this behavior is to set the example and advertise that we use GPG. There are at least three ways to do this:
If we advertise our key then we make it that much more acceptable for others to advertise their keys. Furthermore, we make it easier for others to start communicating with us securely since we have taken the initiative and made it clear that we use GPG. Key validation is more difficult. If we do not personally know the person whose key we want to sign, then it is not possible to sign the key ourselves. In such case we have to rely on the signatures of others and hope to find a chain of signatures leading from the key in question back to our own. To have any chance of finding a chain, we must take the initiative and get our key signed by others outside of our initial web of trust. An effective way to accomplish this is to participate in key signing parties. For example, if we are about to attend a conference we can look ahead of time for a key signing party, and if we do not see one being held, offer to hold one. We can also be more passive and carry our key ID (fingerprint) with us for impromptu key exchanges. In such a situation the person to whom we gave the fingerprint would verify it and sign our public key once he returned to a computer with is GPG installation. However, keep in mind, though, that all this is optional. We have no obligation to either publically advertise our key or sign other people's keys. The power with GPG is that it is flexible enough to adapt to our security needs whatever they may be. The social reality, however, is that we will need to take the initiative if we want to grow our web of trust and use GPG for as much of our communication as possible. InternalsOpenPGP identity certificates (which includes their public key(s) and owner information) can be digitally signed by other users who, by that act, endorse the association of that public key with the person or entity listed in the certificate. OpenPGP-compliant implementations such GPG also include a vote counting scheme which can be used to determine which public key <—> owner association a user will trust while using GPG. For instance, if three partially trusted endorsers have vouched for a certificate (and so its included public key <—> owner binding), or if one fully trusted endorser has done so, the association between owner and public key in that certificate will be trusted to be correct. The parameters are user-adjustable (e.g. no partials at all, or perhaps 6 partials etc. can be chosen) and can be completely bypassed if desired. The scheme is flexible, unlike most PKI designs, and leaves trust decision(s) in the hands of individual users. It is not perfect and requires both caution and intelligent supervision by users. Comparing the WOT (Web of Trust) approach and the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) approach, we can generally say that PKI designs are less flexible and require users to follow the trust endorsement of the PKI generated, certificate authority (CA)-signed, certificates/keys. Since, with PKI, intelligence is normally neither required nor allowed, these arrangements are not perfect either, and require both caution and care by users. For instance, let us take a look at the following output which I made up for demonstration purposes: sa@wks:~$ gpg --update-trustdb gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model gpg: depth: 0 valid: 1 signed: 7 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 1u gpg: depth: 1 valid: 7 signed: 3 trust: 0-, 0q, 4n, 3m, 0f, 0u sa@wks:~$ The first line shows us the actual trust policy ( The second line describes the key of level 0, that is the key owned by ourselves. It states that in our keyring we have one level zero key, which is signed by 7 keys. Furthermore among all the level zero keys, we have
The third line analyzes the keys of level 1 in our keyring. We have 7 fully valid keys, because we have personally signed them. Furthermore, among the keys that are stored in our keyring, we have
The trust status counters have the same meaning of the ones in the second line. This time we have
Key Signing PartyWRITEME Privacy and IdentityWRITEME
BasicsThis subsection is of interest for anybody who uses a device (e.g. computer, PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), cell phone, etc.) that is somehow connected to some net e.g. the Internet. Secure/Anonymous HostingHow to be AnonymousLocal MachineWRITEME Basic StepsBash HistoryI have an article about tuning Bash history under the aspect of security concerns. Creating an encrypted and compressed tar archiveUpdate: Often you just want to quickly put some files on a remote machine or onto storage media like a DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) or USB (Universal Serial Bus) stick or some other storage media. Thus you want to have two things in place
Please note, if you need to encrypt more than just a file or a directory you are better of with block-layer encryption. Before we start, make sure you have the tools needed installed on your system sa@pc1:~$ dpl {aespip*,tar*} | grep ^ii ii aespipe 2.3b-4 AES-encryption tool with loop-AES support ii tar 1.16.1-1 GNU tar sa@pc1:~$ If not yet installed, go ahead and install them using either one of
the CLI (Command Line Interface) front-ends e.g. Just compressionFirst let us create a compressed tar archive (no encryption yet): sa@pc1:~$ l .sec/ emacs_secrets passwords.gpg README sa@pc1:~$ tar -cjvf /tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 .sec/ .sec/ .sec/emacs_secrets .sec/README .sec/passwords.gpg sa@pc1:~$ Let us check the contents of the just created archive sa@pc1:~$ tar -tjf /tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 .sec/ .sec/emacs_secrets .sec/README .sec/passwords.gpg sa@pc1:~$ Compression and EncryptionNow, what has been the intention in the first place, the example with
compression and encryption. As of now (July 2007) sa@pc1:~$ cd /tmp/ sa@pc1:/tmp$ tar -cjvf /tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 ~/.sec/ && aespipe -T -C 1000 -e aes256 </tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 >/tmp/my_secret_and_compressed_archive && rm /tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 tar: Removing leading `/' from member names /home/sa/.sec/ /home/sa/.sec/emacs_secrets /home/sa/.sec/README /home/sa/.sec/passwords.gpg Password: Retype password: sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi my_ -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 2000 2007-07-28 19:58 my_secret_and_compressed_archive sa@pc1:/tmp$ tar -tjvf my_secret_and_compressed_archive bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file. tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors sa@pc1:/tmp$ You need to memorize the password for later decryption — without the
password you are unable to access your data after encryption! The
error with
DecryptionIf you want to "read" your data again you have to decrypt the former
created archive sa@pc1:/tmp$ aespipe -d -C 1000 -e aes256 </tmp/my_secret_and_compressed_archive >/tmp/my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 Password: sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi my_ -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 2000 2007-07-28 20:17 my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 2000 2007-07-28 20:15 my_secret_and_compressed_archive sa@pc1:/tmp$ After decryption procedure the data can be read again thus the
archive reveals its contents. Do not worry about the bzip2 warning —
that is just because sa@pc1:/tmp$ tar -tjf my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 bzip2: (stdin): trailing garbage after EOF ignored home/sa/.sec/ home/sa/.sec/emacs_secrets home/sa/.sec/README home/sa/.sec/passwords.gpg sa@pc1:/tmp$ DecompressionFinally we extract the data from the compressed archive (again, the bzip2 warning can be ignored): sa@pc1:/tmp$ tar -xjvf my_compressed_archive.tar.bz2 bzip2: (stdin): trailing garbage after EOF ignored home/sa/.sec/ home/sa/.sec/emacs_secrets home/sa/.sec/README home/sa/.sec/passwords.gpg sa@pc1:/tmp$ ls -alR home/ home/: total 20 drwxr-xr-x 3 sa sa 4096 2007-07-28 20:26 . drwxrwxrwt 19 root root 12288 2007-07-28 20:26 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 sa sa 4096 2007-07-28 20:26 sa home/sa: total 12 drwxr-xr-x 3 sa sa 4096 2007-07-28 20:26 . drwxr-xr-x 3 sa sa 4096 2007-07-28 20:26 .. drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2007-06-19 23:23 .sec home/sa/.sec: total 20 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2007-06-19 23:23 . drwxr-xr-x 3 sa sa 4096 2007-07-28 20:26 .. -rw------- 1 sa sa 1117 2007-06-19 20:50 emacs_secrets -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 832 2007-06-19 21:10 passwords.gpg -rw------- 1 sa sa 102 2007-05-09 16:21 README sa@pc1:/tmp$ The more paranoid might have noticed that within the compressed and
encrypted archive there is a file called umaskThe umask (user file creation mode mask) is a function in POSIX environments which affects the default file system mode for newly created files and directories of the current process. The permissions of a file created under a given umask value are calculated using the following bitwise operation (note that umasks are always specified in octal). The MathsWe are dealing with bitwise AND of the unary complement of the argument (using bitwise NOT) and the full access mode. Full access ModeThe full access mode is ExampleAssuming the umask has the value sa@pc1:~$ cd /tmp/ sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0022 sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0174 sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0174 sa@pc1:/tmp$ mkdir umask_dir sa@pc1:/tmp$ touch umask_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ ls -l | grep umask drw-----wx 2 sa sa 4096 2007-07-24 15:17 umask_dir -rw-----w- 1 sa sa 0 2007-07-24 15:17 umask_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0022 sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0022 sa@pc1:/tmp$ Note, once there is ![]() the umask is ![]() Flipping the bits ( ![]() then comes the bit ![]() We could have also written it in base 8, doing it in just one step ![]() since Sticky BitThe most common use of the sticky bit is on directories where, when set, items inside the directory can be renamed or deleted only by the items owner, the directory owner, or the superuser. Without the sticky bit set, a user with write and execute permissions for the directory can rename or delete any file inside, regardless of the file owner. sa@pc1:/tmp$ umask 0022 sa@pc1:/tmp$ touch a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi a_file -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 0 2007-07-08 17:55 a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ chmod 1644 a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi a_file -rw-r--r-T 1 sa sa 0 2007-07-08 17:55 a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ chmod 1645 a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi a_file -rw-r--r-t 1 sa sa 0 2007-07-08 17:55 a_file sa@pc1:/tmp$ cd If the sticky-bit is set on a file or directory without the execution
bit set for the others category (non-user-owner and non-group-owner),
it is indicated with a capital sa@sub:~$ ll /var/spool/cron/ total 12K drwxrwx--T 2 daemon daemon 4.0K 2008-05-19 14:03 atjobs drwxrwx--T 2 daemon daemon 4.0K 2008-01-27 06:34 atspool drwx-wx--T 2 root crontab 4.0K 2008-03-14 01:52 crontabs sa@sub:~$ SUID and SGIDsetuid and setgid (short for set user ID upon execution and set group ID upon execution, respectively) are Unix access rights flags that allow users to run an executable with the permissions of the executable's owner or group. On executable FilesSUID (set user ID) or SGID (set group ID), they are mostly used to allow users on a computer system to execute executables binary files with temporarily elevated privileges in order to perform a specific task. When the SUID or SGID bits are set on an executable, that program executes with the UID or GID of owner of the file, as opposed to the user executing it. This means that all executables with SUID bit set and are owned by root are executed with the UID of root. This situation is a huge security risk and should be minimized unless the program is designed for this risk. In practice, I never needed to set the root SUID bit on an executable and would strongly recommend to anybody not to do so. If you want a program to run with SUID bit set, that program must be
group-executable or other-executable for what should be obvious
reasons. In addition, the Linux kernel ignores the SUID and SGID bits
on shell scripts. These bits work only on binary (compiled)
executables. However, the command To find all files on your file system that have the SUID or SGID bit
set, first put something like that in root's alias fog='DUMP=find_suid_guid_`date +%s` && touch /tmp/$DUMP && find / -path /proc -prune -perm /6000 -a -type f -printf "%+13i %+6m %u %g %M %p\n" > /tmp/$DUMP' then use it (you have to become root) pc1:~# fog pc1:~# exit exit sa@pc1:/tmp$ cat find_suid_guid_1183944504 | wc -l 215 sa@pc1:/tmp$ That command ( Of course, after a while, one always gets smarter. The above is the home-made version of what comes out of the box with the package sxid. This package also computes md5 checksums. pc1:/var/log# sxid pc1:/var/log# wc -l sxid.log 1029 sxid.log pc1:/var/log# Still, it is up to humans to make the final decision what to do with
the data reported by tools like On Directoriessetuid and setgid flags on a directory have an entirely different meaning. Directories with the setgid permission will force all files and sub-directories created in them to be owned by the directory group and not the group of the user creating the file. The setgid flag is inherited by newly created subdirectories. The setuid permission set on a directory is ignored on UNIX and GNU/Linux systems. FreeBSD can be configured to interpret it similarly to setgid, namely, to force all files and sub-directories to be owned by the top directory owner. world-writeable filesOur home directory should not contain world-writable files. That is
files with permission to write not just for the file owner or special
groups but for anybody i.e. octal permission should not be sa@pc1:~$ cd /tmp/ sa@pc1:/tmp$ touch file_ sa@pc1:/tmp$ chmod 0777 file_ sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi file_ -rwxrwxrwx 1 sa sa 0 2007-07-07 21:34 file_ sa@pc1:/tmp$ Octal permissions pc1:/tmp# touch file pc1:/tmp# ls -l | grep file -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-07-08 17:01 file pc1:/tmp# chmod 4602 file pc1:/tmp# ls -l | grep file -rwS----w- 1 root root 0 2007-07-08 17:01 file pc1:/tmp# exit exit sa@pc1:/tmp$ cat file cat: file: Permission denied sa@pc1:/tmp$ echo "some text" > file sa@pc1:/tmp$ su Password: pc1:/tmp# cat file some text pc1:/tmp# exit exit sa@pc1:/tmp$ lsO file name file type octal permissions human readable permissions group name owner user name owner size in bytes file regular file 602 -rw-----w- root root 10 sa@pc1:/tmp$ pi file -rw-----w- 1 root root 10 2007-07-08 17:02 file sa@pc1:/tmp$ You noticed, the SUID bit vanished plus it was shown as The following command should not find anything (as shown here). If it
nonetheless finds anything then use sa@pc1:~$ pwd /home/sa sa@pc1:~$ find . -perm -0002 -a ! -type l -ls find: ./.mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default/FoxNotes: Permission denied sa@pc1:~$ The example above is fine since we did not discover a world-writable
file or directory (please note, I started this at sa@pc1:~$ cd .mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default/ sa@pc1:~/.mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default$ chmod 744 FoxNotes/ sa@pc1:~/.mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default$ cd FoxNotes/ sa@pc1:~/.mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default/FoxNotes$ ll total 0 sa@pc1:~/.mozilla/firefox/xjlg0mai.default/FoxNotes$ we found a false permission setting and corrected it as can be seen —
it had been nouser/nogroupAnother file permission issue are files not owned by any user or group. While this is not technically a security vulnerability, an audited system should not contain any unowned files. This is to prevent the situation where a new user is assigned a previous user's UID, so now the previous owner's files, if any, are all owned by the new user. To find all files that are not owned by any user or group, execute pc1:/tmp# time find / -path /proc -prune -nouser -o -nogroup > /tmp/find_output_nouser_nogroup real 22m37.057s user 0m46.451s sys 1m14.421s pc1:~# exit exit sa@pc1:~$ cat /tmp/find_output_nouser_nogroup sa@pc1:~$ As can be seen, no files or directories not owned by either a group or a user where found — exactly as it should be. The overall duration to check about 2.5 million files, summing up to approximately 800GiB, was roughly 23 minutes. Security Auditing / HardeningOn a big scale, one might try something like sa@wks:~$ debtags search "security::ids" acidbase - Basic Analysis and Security Engine acidlab - Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases aide - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary aide-common - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Common files bastille - Security hardening tool checksecurity - basic system security checks chkrootkit - rootkit detector fail2ban - bans IPs that cause multiple authentication errors fcheck - IDS filesystem baseline integrity checker harden-environment - Hardened system environment [skipping a lot of lines...] tiger-otheros - Scripts to run Tiger in other operating systems tinyhoneypot - Small honeypot to trap attackers tripwire - file and directory integrity checker xwatch - A logfile monitor that displays in an X window. sa@wks:~$ in order to figure what Debian has available in the area of IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems). After this kind of getting a notion of the big picture, we might then look a little closer sa@wks:~$ type acsn acsn is aliased to `apt-cache search --names-only' sa@wks:~$ acsn harden harden - Makes your system hardened harden-clients - Avoid clients that are known to be insecure harden-development - Development tools for creating more secure programs harden-doc - Useful documentation to secure a Debian system harden-environment - Hardened system environment harden-nids - Harden a system by using a network intrusion detection system harden-remoteaudit - Audit your remote systems from this host harden-servers - Avoid servers that are known to be insecure harden-surveillance - Check services and/or servers automatically harden-tools - Tools to enhance or analyze the security of the local system hardening-wrapper - experimental compiler wrapper to enable security hardening flags sa@wks:~$ which brings us right to the point of some packages I find quite
useful. Issuing bastilletigerdebsecanchkrootkitrkhunterintegritOSSECaidesxidnetstatpwgen
sysvinit-utilsFilesystem-level Encryption
Filesystem-level encryption, also known as file/folder encryption, is a form of disk encryption where individual files or directories are encrypted by the filesystem itself. This is in contrast to block-layer encryption, where the entire partition or disk, in which the file system resides, is encrypted. There are a few possible choices we can pick from
What we want is a state of the art solution (key management, policy features, userspace only components, no centralized storage of metadata, etc.) which we can use atop an existing filesystem. Long story cut short, we are going to use ecryptfs since it is the only one of the above which caters for all of our requirements. One typical use case where we would opt for ecryptfs rather than dm-crypt and LUKS is when we got some remote server, virtualized or not, where we have no means for out-of-band management in order to unlock the root filesystem because we cannot use SSH at that point — sshd is placed within the encrypted partition itself. Another good reason to go for ecryptfs rather than block-layer encryption is flexibility — ecryptfs is extremely flexible as we will see further down. The reason is that it sits on top of an existing filesystem and not below, as does dm-crypt for example. From my point of view, there is only one reason when we absolutely not want to use ecryptfs... speed that is. If, for example, we need to take care of encrypting a database server which does heavy transactions, then dm-crypt is the way to go. In practice, ecryptfs seems to be slower than dm-crypt by around one order of magnitude — I just did some pseudo testing and therefore, a more detailed and meticulous benchmark might cater for different results although, I believe, ecryptfs will always be slower than dm-crypt simply because there is more overhead involved in computing the encrypted version of the data. However, as with all non-block-layer encryption solutions, ecryptfs too, has a potential problem which is possible leakage of secret information. Any application used to access the data might decide to leave ghostcopies of the data on the non-encrypted part of our disk/partition (things like nautilus preview thumbnails, print spool, etc.). Actually that can become quite annoying and complex to deal with — my experience is that it is quite impossible and a waste of time even trying to do it since, in the end, one always misses something or an updated application suddenly decides to store its stuff elsewhere and/or creates new data somewhere else. One needs to make sure to configure his disk indexing tools (google desktop, tracker, beagle etc.) to ignore a secret folder encrypted with ecryptfs, or if that is not possible, tell each and every application to forget that kind of information when restarted and not to leave ghostcopies around. Also, even if the contents of the files are not leaked, the filenames themselves may be stored in recently opened file lists. Using ecryptfs makes sense for a directory (and all of its contents i.e. files and subdirectories) or a file if it is not used by any application as mentioned above. One typical use case where using filesystem-level encrypted and thus using ecryptfs makes sense is if we want to sync data from our local machine to some remote machine which keeps our backup. Otherwise, for some local machine, one should probably use block-layer encryption to avoid all that pain and risks that can arise from using the wrong tool/solution for data encryption. As usual, there is no better... which solution for data encryption is used depends on the use case and our requirements. I use both, ecryptfs and dm-crypt/LUKS, depending on my different needs and environments. ecryptfsecryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux. It is derived from cryptfs, implemented through the FiST framework for generating stacked filesystems. ecryptfs extends cryptfs to provide advanced key management and policy features. Those are two of our requirements from above... ecryptfs stores cryptographic metadata in the header of each file written, so that encrypted files can be moved/copied between machines i.e. the file will be decryptable with the proper key/passphrase, and there is no need to keep track of any additional information aside from what is already in the encrypted file itself. Decentralized storage of metadata that is, yet another one of our requirements from above... In order to use ecryptfs on Debian we need a Linux kernel 2.6.19 or higher. However, 2.6.29 or higher is recommended since only those also support filename encryption in addition to encrypting file contents. In order to manage ecryptfs directories/files, we also need the ecryptfs userspace utils which go by the name sa@wks:/tmp$ type dpl; dpl ecrypt* | grep ii dpl is aliased to `dpkg -l' ii ecryptfs-utils 75-1 ecryptfs cryptographic filesystem (utilities) sa@wks:/tmp$ QuickstartThis subsubsection is a quickstart guide for those who need/want to
have a working solution within the next 10 minutes. Our goal is to
create a directory ( Once done, 1 sa@wks:/tmp$ whoami; pwd; type pi; pi testing 2 sa 3 /tmp 4 pi is aliased to `ls -la | grep' 5 sa@wks:/tmp$ mkdir testing; chmod 700 testing; pi testing 6 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-06-29 12:31 testing 7 sa@wks:/tmp$ su 8 Password: 9 wks:/tmp# whoami; pwd 10 root 11 /tmp 12 wks:/tmp# type {m,u}ec 13 mec is aliased to `mount -t ecryptfs -o key=passphrase:passphrase_passwd_file=/tmp/keyfile /tmp/testing /tmp/testing' 14 uec is aliased to `umount /tmp/testing' With line 1 we just make a few things clear like for example the
current user we used to log in, current working directory and that we
use an alias from my The real interesting stuff is with lines 13 and 14 where we created
two aliases for In other words, after issuing 15 wks:/tmp# cat /tmp/keyfile 16 passphrase_passwd=[nose123] 17 wks:/tmp# mec 18 Select cipher: 19 1) aes: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 (not loaded) 20 2) blowfish: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 4; max keysize = 56 (loaded) 21 3) des3_ede: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 24; max keysize = 24 (not loaded) 22 4) twofish: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 (not loaded) 23 5) cast6: blocksize = 16; min keysize = 16; max keysize = 32 (not loaded) 24 6) cast5: blocksize = 8; min keysize = 5; max keysize = 16 (not loaded) 25 Selection [aes]: 26 Select key bytes: 27 1) 16 28 2) 32 29 3) 24 30 Selection [16]: 31 Enable plaintext passthrough (y/n) [n]: 32 Attempting to mount with the following options: 33 ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 34 ecryptfs_key_bytes=16 35 ecryptfs_cipher=aes 36 ecryptfs_sig=1aad35be29f73422 37 WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt], 38 it looks like you have never mounted with this key 39 before. This could mean that you have typed your 40 passphrase wrong. 41 42 Would you like to proceed with the mount (yes/no)? yes 43 Would you like to append sig [1aad35be29f73422] to 44 [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt] 45 in order to avoid this warning in the future (yes/no)? yes 46 Successfully appended new sig to user sig cache file 47 Mounted ecryptfs 48 wks:/tmp# di -h | egrep Filesystem\|ext3\|ecr 49 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 50 /dev/dm-1 / 1.4T 110.6G 1.2T 13% ext3 51 /tmp/testing /tmp/testing 1.4T 110.6G 1.2T 13% ecryptfs 52 sa@wks:/tmp$ du -sh testing/; type la; la testing/ 53 4.0K testing/ 54 la is aliased to `ls -la' 55 total 8 56 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-06-29 12:31 . 57 drwxrwxrwt 20 root root 4096 2009-06-29 12:31 .. Line 13 shows Of course, for a real world use case, the passphrase would not just be
Another obvious thing for a real world use case is to not use some
subdirectory in The interactive mount that goes on from line 18 to 47 is done by mount
helper (see What we see from lines 50 and 51 is that the potential size of our ecryptfs is of course the same as the underlying filesystem. This flexibility is one of the benefits of using filesystem-level encryption — it grows and shrinks with the underlying filesystem. 58 sa@wks:/tmp$ cp -a /home/sa/0/0/ testing/ 59 sa@wks:/tmp$ du -sh testing/; la testing/ 60 564K testing/ 61 total 12 62 drwx------ 3 sa sa 4096 2009-06-29 12:37 . 63 drwxrwxrwt 20 root root 4096 2009-06-29 12:31 .. 64 drwxr-xr-x 7 sa sa 4096 2009-06-19 21:52 0 65 sa@wks:/tmp$ head -n3 testing/0/README 66 SOURCE CODE FOR SUNO'S WEBSITE 67 ------------------------------ 68 My name is Markus Gattol. I have a website at . What you 69 sa@wks:/tmp$ su 70 Password: 71 wks:/tmp# uec 72 wks:/tmp# exit 73 exit 74 sa@wks:/tmp$ head -n3 testing/0/README 75 ��n����'K�"3DUfw`�`�}��`���H �_CONSOLE�5�)�4"�-ε��+�&v��?O�� 76 R&�������0�n�:;�X�m��ăٺW;��)7�?���˩RQ�Ķ��L�-���c�?�u���eC'X�� �3�:��*��\5� ��Л�z����e�#=ٶf�f� 77 sa@wks:/tmp$ di -h | egrep Filesystem\|ext3\|ecr 78 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 79 /dev/dm-1 / 1.4T 111.0G 1.2T 13% ext3 80 sa@wks:/tmp$ It is now time to actually move some data into In line 65 we take a look at the first three lines of the contents of
my If we try to take a look at the contents of We have now successfully protected our data by using filesystem-level encryption i.e. our data is now secured, our secrets are going to stay secret. If we wanted to unlock I did not show filename encryption above simply because I am still on
It is not unusual that projects which maintain fairly big kernel patches lack behind mainline — as of now (June 2009) 2.6.30 is in sid (still in development) but the OpenVZ Debian kernel image is still on 2.6.26. If I were on 2.6.29 already, what would have happened is that mount
helper would have prompted me if I would like to enable filename
encryption as well i.e. Things we should know about ecryptfsAfter the quickstart part it is now time to have a theory session before we make the final move from a practical point of view — which will be automating the mount procedure even more plus, this time, we will set things up for a real world use case i.e. stronger/better security settings and testing the setup before it is used. Access Control: Once one user can access an ecryptfs file, any users with permission can also access the file/directory. Should not ecryptfs require all users to have the key/passphrase in order to access the data? ecryptfs deliberately makes no attempt to re-implement the discretionary and mandatory access control mechanisms already present in the Linux kernel. ecryptfs will simply require that a FEK (File Encryption Key) be associated with any given inode in order to decrypt the contents of the file on disk. This prevents an attacker from accessing the file contents outside the context of the trusted host environment — for instance, by removing the storage device or by booting a live CD like grml. This is the only type of unauthorized access that ecryptfs is intended to prevent. Once ecryptfs has associated that FEK with the inode, it does not impose any additional restrictions on who or what can access the files, deferring to the standard user/group/other permissions, capabilities, Selinux type enforcement, and so forth to regulate access to the files. ecryptfs maintains no pedigree regarding how the FEK found its way to the inode, so it has no way of knowing that any particular UID (User ID) should or should not be able to open the file, nor should ecryptfs do such a thing. Having ecryptfs impose additional access control onto the decrypted file contents in a trusted host environment would provide no additional security while introducing unintended usability issues. For instance, a user may wish to share his decrypted files with certain other users on the system without having to share his key with them or add their keys to a set of keys wrapping the inode's FEK. Users expect to be able to accomplish such a task via users, groups, capabilities, and types, and ecryptfs defers access control decisions on trusted host environments to these existing access control mechanisms. Not anything is encrypted: Will ecryptfs by itself protect all my data? ecryptfs is just one component in a comprehensive set of mechanisms to protect the confidentiality of our data. Simply mounting ecryptfs over a directory in our home directory will not provide sufficient coverage for everything our applications will write to disk. For instance, applications that produce and store thumbnails of our images may write the thumbnails to an unprotected location. Sensitive application data will typically wind up in the following locations, although some applications will write data to other locations not listed here:
The ecryptfs must mount the We will need to consider other applications that diverge from traditional paths for storing data on a case-by-case basis. Analyzing application behavior with the kernel auditing system is one way to profile the behavior of an application, and explicit Selinux rules that only allow applications to write to encrypted mountpoints helps prevent inadvertent information leakage. It is recommend that we always use ecryptfs together with appropriate MAC (Mandatory Access Control) mechanisms to ensure that our sensitive data is always encrypted. However, as I already mentioned above, in case we deal with a local machine (e.g. workstation) rather than a remote machine with no means to provide the passphrase via SSH prior to unlocking the crypto volume, we might actually be better off using block-layer encryption. Public Keys: Can I mount ecryptfs with a public key? Why would I want to use public key anyway? We can mount ecryptfs with a public key if we have public key support in our kernel (default for official Debian kernels). We first need to generate a public/private keypair. We can run wks:/tmp# ecryptfsd wks:/tmp# mount -t ecryptfs -o key=openssl:keyfile=/usb-drive/mykey.pem /secret /secret Cryptographic keys derived from passphrases are generally worthless. Most passphrases that people can reasonably remember lack even the strength of a 64-bit symmetric key. The idea behind using a public key is to provide an opportunity for two-factor authentication (as we already discussed this while setting up PKA (Public Key Authentication) for SSH) — for instance, with OpenSSL RSA, the PEM (Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail) file is something we posses and the passphrase is something we know. This works best if we store our public key and our encrypted files on separate media. The public key mode of operations in ecryptfs is actually more general than public key systems found elsewhere. It allows for arbitrary key modules to perform the FEK (File Encryption Key) encryption and decryption. The key module could do RSA. Or, it could retrieve an employee's key from e.g. a Domino server. Or, it could unseal the key protected by a trusted computing chip, which will only honor the unseal request if the machine is booted into a trusted state. ecryptfsd: What is
ecryptfs-manager: What is
Protect our Key: How can I protect my key? Best thing to do is to make a copy and store it in a physically secure location. For instance, we could copy our public/private keypair to a USB flash drive and write our passphrase onto a sheet of paper. Then, lock the drive and paper in our desk drawer or put them in a safe deposit box (depending on the sensitivity of the data that the keys protect). Future versions of ecryptfs userspace utilities may implement key splitting functions to provide even more paranoid levels of key protection. We should never store our keys in the same physical security context in which we store our encrypted data. It should be much harder for an attacker to get to our keys than it is for him to get to our media containing the encrypted data. When we use the public key mode and generate a new key using
When mounting with a new key, I recommend performing a full mount i.e.
creating a new file, unmounting, clearing the user's session keyring
( This minimizes the likelihood that we will mistype a passphrase and create files that we will not be able to later recover/decrypt. When mounting in passphrase mode, we should make sure that the
Comparison of ecryptfs: How does ecryptfs compare with other Linux disk encryption solutions? Well, we discussed that above a little bit already but because it is very important for anybody to understand the difference, here we go again... ecryptfs is an actual filesystem which sits atop the usual filesystem e.g. btrfs, ext4, etc. Some other popular disk encryption technologies, like for example dm-crypt and LUKS, are not filesystems but block device encryption layers i.e. they provide what appears to be a physical block device to some actual filesystem — they sit below the actual filesystem like for example btrfs or ext4. There is no filesystem logic in these layers. A few of the more well-known block device encryption layers include dm-crypt, truecrypt, and loop-aes. Perhaps the best thing about block device-layer encryption is that it is an order of magnitude simpler to implement than filesystem-layer encryption and around one order of magnitude faster than filesystem-level encryption. Another advantage of block device-layer encryption is that it will encrypt the entire filesystem, including all of the filesystem metadata. While ecryptfs uses a powerful and flexible approach to protecting filesystem contents, block device-layer encryption technology is still required to protect swap space and certain databases that use their own block device partition. I anticipate that block device-layer encryption will be the best solution for some people, while stacked filesystem encryption will be the best solution for others. Sometimes it even makes sense to use them both together, to combine the comprehensive block-layer encryption of a block device layer encryption technology with the transparent per-file/directory encryption provided by ecryptfs (this will result in double-encryption of the file contents). Key Types: What types of keys exits for ecryptfs? ecryptfs uses public key cryptography. Those can be created by one of the key modules supported by ecryptfs like for example the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) module. From the usage point of view, we know two types of keys. The FNEK (Filename Encryption Key) used to encrypt the filenames and the FEK (File Encryption Key) used to encrypt the file contents. The same public key pair can be used as FNEK as well as FEK key although, using two different keys is recommended for the sake of better/stronger security. Real-world ExampleI have this server within a datacenter which runs OpenVZ. One of the many VEs (Virtual Environments) running atop the HN (Hardware Node) is used to backup my stuff (.emacs, Iceweasel settings, Pidgin configuration, etc.). The backup is done via Unison which also has the benefit of allowing me to sync my machines (workstation, notebook, phone, etc.) with each another. Thereby the server sits at the center of a star and all machines (workstation, notebooks, phones, etc.) sync with this server.
Now, although dm-crypt and LUKS is used on this server i.e. the entire RAID array is encrypted, using ecryptfs for my backup data makes sense simply because I might, at some point, for some reason, decide to migrate this backup VE to another HN which might not have a dm-crypt layer below the actual filesystem. However, the fact that I am using a server and no notebook/workstation, as well as the fact that I am using virtualization technology and that this server has an enterprise-class RAID (Redundancy Arrays of Independent Disks) array should not confuse the reader. What we will do below also works and makes sense for ones phone for example or a common notebook without enterprise-class storage nor running some virtualization technology like for example OpenVZ — actually, even more so because the risk for us of getting a notebook stolen and thus the leakage of sensitive information is a lot higher than for one of our servers within a datacenter which features all kinds of physical access control. Also, I mentioned Unison, which I use to sync my machines... this does not have to be a concern to the reader. From a technical point of view, it has nothing to do with using ecryptfs as we will do now... I just mentioned it so we have a big-picture view and people understand the motivation behind our/my doings. Note: Those who do not use virtualization or a remote machine can skip to line 114 right away. 1 sa@wks:~$ whoami; hostname; pwd; who -q 2 sa 3 wks 4 /home/sa 5 sa sa sa sa sa sa sa sa 6 # users=8 7 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 8 9 / \ _-' 10 _/ \-''- _ / 11 __-' { \ 12 / \ 13 / "o. |o } 14 | \ ; YOU ARE BEING WATCHED! 15 ', 16 \_ __\ 17 ''-_ \.// 18 / '-____' 19 / 20 _' 21 _-' 22 23 24 This computer system is the private property of its owner, whether individual, corporate or government. It is 25 for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of 26 privacy. 27 28 Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, 29 audited, inspected, and disclosed to your employer, to authorized site, government, and law enforcement 30 personnel, as well as authorized officials of government agencies, both domestic and foreign. 31 32 By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, 33 inspection, and disclosure at the discretion of such personnel or officials. 34 35 36 UNAUTHORIZED OR IMPROPER USE OF THIS SYSTEM MAY RESULT 37 IN CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE OR 38 DISCIPLINARY ACTION, AS APPROPRIATE !! 39 40 41 By continuing to use this system you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of 42 use. LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY if you do not agree to the conditions stated in this warning. However, if you are 43 authorized personal with no bad intentions please continue. Have a nice day! :-) 44 45 sa@rh0:~$ su 46 Password: 47 rh0:/home/sa# vzbulk status 48 Current status on Virtual Environments is: 49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 Total number of available VEs: 9 51 VEID HOSTNAME NAME SIZE HOME 52 2002 wks-ve2 testing 524M /var/lib/vz/private/2002 53 2005 wks-ve5 testing_sec 524M /var/lib/vz/private/2005 54 3001 wks-ve7 monkeysphere 539M /var/lib/vz/private/3001 55 3002 wks-ve8 dolmen0 904M /var/lib/vz/private/3002 56 3003 wks-ve9 grok0 745M /var/lib/vz/private/3003 57 3004 rh0-ve1 website 1.3G /var/lib/vz/private/3004 58 3005 rh0-ve2 dolmen_demo 817M /var/lib/vz/private/3005 59 3006 rh0-ve3 dolmen_trac 636M /var/lib/vz/private/3006 60 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 1.5G /var/lib/vz/private/3007 61 62 Number of running VEs: 7 63 VEID HOSTNAME NAME IPv4 UPTIME 64 2002 wks-ve2 testing 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 65 2005 wks-ve5 testing_sec 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 66 3001 wks-ve7 monkeysphere 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 67 3002 wks-ve8 dolmen0 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 68 3003 wks-ve9 grok0 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 69 3004 rh0-ve1 website 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 70 3005 rh0-ve2 dolmen_demo 06:51:51 up 2 days, 20:36, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 71 72 Number of stopped VEs: 2 73 3006 rh0-ve3 dolmen_trac 74 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 75 76 Beancounter Problems on VE with VEID: 77 VEID FAILED BEANCOUNTERS 78 2002: 79 2005: 80 3001: 81 3002: 82 3003: 83 3004: 84 3005: 85 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86 87 Cleanup actions successfully performed... 88 rh0:/home/sa# vzctl start backup 89 Starting container... 90 Container is mounted 91 Adding IP address(es): 92 Setting CPU units: 1000 93 Configure meminfo: 491520 94 Set hostname: rh0-ve4 95 File resolv.conf was modified 96 Container start in progress... 97 rh0:/home/sa# exit 98 exit 99 sa@rh0:~$ exit 100 logout 101 Connection to closed. 102 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 103 104 105 [skipping a lot of lines...] 106 107 108 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ whoami; hostname; pwd; who -q 109 sa 110 rh0-ve4 111 /home/sa 112 sa 113 # users=1 Lines 1 to 113 are only important because I use OpenVZ and all work is done on a remote machine (using a PKA (Public Key Authentication) SSH (Secure Shell) setup), rather than on one of my local machines like for example my workstation as we did it above in the quickstart example. In lines 2 to 6 we just wanted to orientate ourselves a little bit,
thus issuing all the commands like for example With line 7 we leave our local machine (
After becoming root in line 46, we issue As of now (July 2009) it is not shipped by OpenVZ itself but that may change once they realize how cool it is to get a status report on all VEs running on top a HN or starting/stopping all VEs with just one command ;-] As we can see, line 74 shows that my backup VE is currently not
running — with line 88 it gets started because we need it now. The
public IPv4 addresses for some of the VEs are xed-out (line 91 for
example). Also, the URL in line 101 does not show the real one but got
replaced by Since we are on the HN right now, we need to leave again, go local, and again, go remote but this time SSH into the backup VE we just started and which is now up and running — this is what happens from lines 99 to 108. Once there, the usual orientation in lines 108 to 113. 114 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ type pi; pi backup 115 pi is aliased to `ls -la | grep' 116 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ mkdir backup{,_encrypted}; umask; pi back 117 0022 118 drwxr-xr-x 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 backup 119 drwxr-xr-x 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 backup_encrypted 120 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ chmod 700 backup_encrypted; chmod 500 backup; pi back 121 dr-x------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 backup 122 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 backup_encrypted 123 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ la backup* 124 backup: 125 total 8 126 dr-x------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 . 127 drwxr-xr-x 7 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 .. 128 129 backup_encrypted: 130 total 8 131 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 . 132 drwxr-xr-x 7 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 .. 133 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ echo "hello world" > backup/some_file 134 -sh: backup/some_file: Permission denied Back on the VE which I use for my backup, we can see that there is no
An additional requirement to those requirements mentioned above, is that it must be impossible to write unencrypted data into the backup directory i.e. if, for some reason, some application or a user tries to write to the backup directory when the ecryptfs layer is not enabled on top of it, write permission should be refused. This is important since otherwise it could happen that some sensitive information gets written to the disk without being encrypted! Remember, this is one weakness of all filesystem-level encryption solutions in general — only block-layer encryption would prevent this from happening. We are going to use a trick in order to meet this requirement of ours.
We are not going to use a so-called overlay mount as we used it above
in line 13 and 17 respectively i.e. we are not going to mount the same
path over itself e.g. The encrypted path however ( In line 116 we create both paths. With the default umask both get the
permissions of Of course, our plan is based on the assumption that no one is going to
write to Now that we have all permissions in place, what is left to do is to
apply the ecryptfs layer on top of 135 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ exit 136 logout 137 Connection to closed. 138 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 139 sa@rh0:~$ su 140 Password: 141 rh0:/home/sa# vzbulk status | grep backup 142 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 1.3G /var/lib/vz/private/3007 143 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 12:56:15 up 7:04, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 144 rh0:/home/sa# mount -t ecryptfs /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup_encrypted /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup -o key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=32,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs,ecryptfs_passthrough=no 145 Passphrase: 146 Attempting to mount with the following options: 147 ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 148 ecryptfs_key_bytes=32 149 ecryptfs_cipher=aes 150 ecryptfs_sig=1696db7636e61651 151 WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt], 152 it looks like you have never mounted with this key 153 before. This could mean that you have typed your 154 passphrase wrong. 155 156 Would you like to proceed with the mount (yes/no)? yes 157 Would you like to append sig [1696db7636e61651] to 158 [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt] 159 in order to avoid this warning in the future (yes/no)? yes 160 Successfully appended new sig to user sig cache file 161 Mounted eCryptfs 162 rh0:/home/sa# di | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 163 Filesystem Mount Megs Used Avail %Used fs Type 164 /dev/md2 / 703657.1 8363.4 659831.5 6% ext3 165 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 703657.1 8363.4 659831.5 6% ecryptfs 166 rh0:/home/sa# exit 167 exit With our virtualized setup we have to leave the backup VE (Virtual Environment) again and log into the HN (Hardware Node) again since we cannot (for security reasons) do basic filesystem operations from within the VE. We leave the VE in line 135 and log back into the HN in line 140.
There, we issue The mount point however is Therefore, line 144, issued from the HN, enables the ecryptfs layer on
top of The important part is with line 145 — because of
Anyway, whatever passphrase we choose, as usual, if lost/forgotten then there is no way (and I really mean it .. NO WAY!) to ever recover the encrypted data again. Note that, as with any other serious encryption, the data is not just encryption with our 20 or so character passphrase but the passphrase is salted and then this result is used to encrypt the data... in practice that means, NO WAY to ever recover the encrypted data without the initial passphrase. Just do not loose or forget it that is all I am saying ;-] Since this is the first time we enable the ecryptfs layer we got asked
a few yes or no questions in lines 156 and 159. As line 161 indicates
and line 165 proofs, we have now enabled the ecryptfs layer on top of
168 sa@rh0:~$ exit 169 logout 170 Connection to closed. 171 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 172 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ echo "hello world" > backup/some_file 173 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ head -n1 backup/some_file 174 hello world 175 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ exit 176 logout 177 Shared connection to closed. 178 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 179 sa@rh0:~$ su 180 Password: 181 rh0:/home/sa# di | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 182 Filesystem Mount Megs Used Avail %Used fs Type 183 /dev/md2 / 703657.1 8363.4 659831.5 6% ext3 184 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 703657.1 8363.4 659831.5 6% ecryptfs 185 rh0:/home/sa# umount /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup 186 rh0:/home/sa# di | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 187 Filesystem Mount Megs Used Avail %Used fs Type 188 /dev/md2 / 703657.1 8363.4 659831.5 6% ext3 189 rh0:/home/sa# exit 190 exit 191 sa@rh0:~$ exit 192 logout 193 Connection to closed. 194 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 195 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ head -n1 backup/some_file 196 head: cannot open `backup/some_file' for reading: No such file or directory 197 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ head -n1 backup_encrypted/some_file 198 �\�'����- "3DUfw`-�A��H��2ԫ����P���[U]�a���{����v6�Q3(Unr+ It is now time to test the enabled ecryptfs layer therefore we leave
the HN in lines 168 to 170 and login to the backup VE once again.
There, in line 172, the same command as we already issued it in line
133 before but did not succeed because of the lack of write
permissions on the directory — which is one of our requirements i.e.
not being able to write unencrypted data into our backup directory
As we can see, now that we applied/enabled the ecryptfs on top of our
backup directory Ok, transparent encryption is now working, time to test if toggling it
works too i.e. we are now going back to the HN and disable the
encryption layer by unmounting our topmost layer (ecryptfs) on
Line 184 and the lack of it further down in lines 187 to 188 shows that disabling the ecryptfs layer works as expected. Well, so far so good but does disabling the ecryptfs layer really just leave the unencrypted data on the disk, thus protecting our sensitive data? We are going to find out but first let us switch back from the HN into the VE first, then take a look starting with line 195. Yes! Excellent!... disabling the ecryptfs layer does not just refuse
access to the non-encrypted version of What we are going to do next is to make one iteration over umounting/disabling (which we did above already) and mounting/enabling the ecryptfs layer again so we can be sure our setup works as expected. 199 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ exit 200 logout 201 Connection to closed. 202 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 203 sa@rh0:~$ grep "ec=" /root/.bashrc 204 alias mec='mount -t ecryptfs /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup_encrypted /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup -o key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=32,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs,ecryptfs_passthrough=no' 205 alias uec='umount /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup' 206 sa@rh0:~$ su 207 Password: 208 rh0:/home/sa# source /root/.bashrc 209 rh0:/home/sa# type {u,m}ec 210 uec is aliased to `umount /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup' 211 mec is aliased to `mount -t ecryptfs /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup_encrypted /var/lib/vz/root/3007/home/sa/backup -o key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=32,ecryptfs_unlink_sigs,ecryptfs_passthrough=no' 212 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 213 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 214 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 215 rh0:/home/sa# mec 216 Passphrase: 217 Attempting to mount with the following options: 218 ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 219 ecryptfs_key_bytes=32 220 ecryptfs_cipher=aes 221 ecryptfs_sig=1696db7636e61651 222 Mounted eCryptfs 223 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 224 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 225 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 226 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ecryptfs 227 rh0:/home/sa# exit 228 exit 229 sa@rh0:~$ exit 230 logout 231 Connection to closed. 232 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 233 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ cat backup/some_file | head -n1 234 hello world 235 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ In line 199 we leave the backup VE again and log into the HN in line 202, after a short stopover on my workstation. Before we try another mount again however, we are going to use a trick that is common whenever we have to deal with long lines of recurring input on the CLI (Command Line Interface). We do what we did above in lines 13 and 14 already i.e. we put aliases
in root's Line 208 is often forgotten — without it we would have to log out and
then log in again in order to activate the aliases we just put into
Right now the ecryptfs layer is not enabled because we disabled it with line 185 above — the fact that the output of the command issued in line 212 lacks any indication of ecryptfs gives proof to the fact that, right now, the ecryptfs layer is not enabled. With line 215 we enable the ecryptfs layer again by using our just created shell alias — it prompts us for the passphrase that we supplied when we initially created the ecryptfs mount (lines 144 to 161). Note that now, the two yes or no questions (lines 156 and 159) are not present anymore. This is because ecryptfs has created Let us open a bottle of champagne now... we are done! We do have a
fully functional ecryptfs setup that can be switched on by issuing The fact that I used a PKA (Public Key Authentication) SSH setup with an OpenVZ environment on the remote machine does not make a difference for setting things up — in fact, if someone does not have either one, it just gets easier with the most trivial case of setting up filesystem-level encryption with ecryptfs for a local machine without any virtualized setup whatsoever. Testing the Real-world Example SetupEven though we are done with line 234 i.e. we have successfully installed and configured a fully functional enterprise-class filesystem-level encryption, we are now going to answer some questions that most people will want to know the answers for: Do not allow unencrypted Data to be written: What happens if we write
data to This one is solved as we do not provide write permissions to
System reboot while ecryptfs layer is enabled: What happens when a system (non-virtualized or not) gets rebooted while ecryptfs is enabled? Will it stay enabled across reboots or does it have to be enabled again? The state after restarting/rebooting a system (in our case, HN and/or
VE) with an ecryptfs layer enabled will be that encryption/decryption
is disabled afterwards i.e. it has to be enabled again using, for
example, 1 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 2 sa@rh0:~$ su 3 Password: 4 rh0:/home/sa# vzbulk status | grep backup 5 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 1.3G /var/lib/vz/private/3007 6 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 11:39:42 up 13 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 7 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 8 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 9 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 10 rh0:/home/sa# mec 11 Passphrase: 12 Attempting to mount with the following options: 13 ecryptfs_unlink_sigs 14 ecryptfs_key_bytes=32 15 ecryptfs_cipher=aes 16 ecryptfs_sig=1696db7636e61651 17 Mounted eCryptfs 18 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 19 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 20 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 21 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ecryptfs 22 rh0:/home/sa# exit 23 exit 24 sa@rh0:~$ exit 25 logout 26 Connection to closed. 27 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 28 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ la backup; cat backup/some_file 29 total 20 30 drwx------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 13:14 . 31 drwxr-xr-x 7 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 .. 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 sa sa 12 2009-07-02 13:14 some_file 33 hello world 34 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ exit 35 logout 36 Connection to closed. 37 sa@wks:~$ ssh rh0 38 sa@rh0:~$ su 39 Password: 40 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 41 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 42 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 43 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ecryptfs 44 rh0:/home/sa# vzbulk status | grep backup 45 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 1.3G /var/lib/vz/private/3007 46 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 11:45:44 up 19 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 47 rh0:/home/sa# vzctl restart backup 48 Restarting container 49 Stopping container... 50 Container was stopped 51 Container is unmounted 52 Starting container... 53 Container is mounted 54 Adding IP address(es): 55 Setting CPU units: 1000 56 Configure meminfo: 491520 57 Set hostname: rh0-ve4 58 File resolv.conf was modified 59 Container start in progress... 60 rh0:/home/sa# vzbulk status | grep backup 61 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 1.3G /var/lib/vz/private/3007 62 3007 rh0-ve4 backup 11:46:01 up 0 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 63 rh0:/home/sa# di -h | egrep File\|md2\|ecrypt 64 Filesystem Mount Size Used Avail %Used fs Type 65 /dev/md2 / 687.2G 8.2G 644.4G 6% ext3 66 /var/lib/vz/root/3 /var/lib/vz/roo 200.0G 1.3G 198.7G 1% ecryptfs 67 rh0:/home/sa# exit 68 exit 69 sa@rh0:~$ exit 70 logout 71 Connection to closed. 72 sa@wks:~$ ssh backup 73 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ la backup 74 total 8 75 dr-x------ 2 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 . 76 drwxr-xr-x 7 sa sa 4096 2009-07-02 12:52 .. 77 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ head -n1 backup_encrypted/some_file 78 �\�'����- "3DUfw`-�A��H��2ԫ����P���[U]�a���{��_CONSOLE��v6�Q3(Unr+�g�, 79 sa@rh0-ve4:~$ exit 80 logout 81 Connection to closed. 82 sa@wks:~$ The example is self-explanatory. The only thing that might be wort
mentioning is, it seems nothing changed when rebooting the VE because
line 66 seems to indicate the ecryptfs is still enabled. Well, yes,
but internally the path Would we have rebooted the HN then the same would be true — even line 66 would not be present which might be less confusing for beginners I guess... well... ;-]
We get a notice that we obviously never mounted before plus we get
asked if we would like to proceed — same as shown in lines 151 to 160
from above. Our sensitive data can only be accessed/decrypted with the
correct key/passphrase i.e. for an attacker, removing/deleting
Wrong passphrase: What happens if we try to mount with a different passphrase? The mounting process appears to work at first glance but when we try to access the data, then we notice that it is encrypted i.e. we only get garbled output that makes no sense (the encrypted representation of the data on the disk that is) — same as line 198 for example. As I said above... there is no way, for no one, not even an organization like the NSA with all its resources, to access our encrypted data without having the correct key/passphrase. Therefore, as mentioned already, we should never store our key/passphrase in the same physical security context in which we store our encrypted data. It should be much harder for an attacker to get to our key/passphrase than it is for him to get to our media containing the encrypted data. KernelWRITEME Things like Selinux etc. will go here in the future. NetworkWRITEME Network related SecurityTCP WrapperWhat is done with TCP wrappers is mostly trivial. For example, one
line ( WRITEME Port KnockingGo here. fail2banGo here. psadGo here. SSH (Secure Shell)I decided to create a dedicated page for this subsection simply because this subject is worth it. denyhostsThis subject is covered on another page. Basically it is a dynamic block list for SSH. Honey PotSSL (Secure Sockets Layer)Exploration/Reconnaissance and Security AuditingWRITEME This subsection is actually part of the The contents of this subsection are about how to explore network infrastructure which is a mandatory thing for any system administrator in order to know his network. Aside from that, I will also show how to use standard CLI (Command Line Interface) tools to do security auditing of networks we own in order to find potential weak spots in our network so we can take actions. In fact, bad boys and girls mostly use the same tactics and tools (at least in first place) to go on a reconnaissance mission when it comes to gather information about networks they are interested in. Usually, good as well as bad boys and girls use exactly the same tactics and tools in the first place to explore networks in order to find potential weak spots. It is just that later on, the good boys and girls take a different turn compared to the bad girls and boys. Packet SniffingMAC and IP Addresses - Reverse Look Upnmapettercapdsniff1. I am not going that far calling myself a paranoid mind but I am certainly someone who takes it very serious with security and the like. 2. ~99% percent of us do not even get close to that mark in their whole lifetime but even though live in liberty, peace and harmony. 3. To establish and manage a "more secure" IT environment it needs time, money and most importantly high skilled and experienced human beings (I mostly find the latter one being the determining fact for a project ending into nothing or having a positive impact). It is all a matter of putting the right people at the right time on the right job and providing them with the tools and the freedom they need. Money is mostly the least concern as I figured of the years. It was, currently is and will always be about the people... 4. Hint: free software folks do not go after the money like the raw business breed; try offering self-determination... e.g. work from at home via telecommuting etc. 5. Getting both is like heaven for any security expert. |