Connector, investor, futurist, geek, software developer, innovator, sportsman, libertarian, business enabler, cosmopolitan, autodidact, funny finch, tech evangelist,
purist, agnostic, Kärnten fan, foodie, artist, globetrotter, social liberal but fiscal conservative, Schöngeist... elegantiorum litterarum amans oder studiosus...
This is the website of Markus Gattol.
It is composed, driven and secured/encrypted exclusively by Open Source Software.
The speciality of this website is that it is seamlessly integrating into my daily working environment (Python + MongoDB + Linux + SSH + GIT + ZeroMQ)
which therefore means it becomes a fully fledged and automatized publishing and communication platform. It will be under construction until 2014.
Open Source / Free Software, because freedom is in everyone's language... Frihed Svoboda Libertà Vrijheid เสรีภาพ Liberté Freiheit Cê̤ṳ-iù Ελευθερία Свобода חרות Bebas Libertada 自由