E-mail and More
Status: ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) early 2010 or sooner.
Last changed: Monday 2012-12-17 19:58 UTC
Right. A decent mail system is more than just the random MTA (Mail Transfer Agent). Next to an MTA at its core, a decent mail system has a pre and post processing chain and a chain that manages distribution of electronic mail. It might also have various sorts of interfaces for administrators and common users. This page is going to first look at a mail system, chatting a bit about theory, pros and cons and will finally show how to set up and manage a mail system that scales from the one-person-show environment up to some typical enterprise level environment. However, the page is not going beyond some border which is considered UIs (User Interfaces) and things like various groupware solutions that might build upon a mail system.
Table of Contents
I have decided to use iredmail which basically is a set of shell
scripts that automates the install of things like Postfix, dovecot,
clamav, etc.
- storage: Quota limit in kilobytes, 0 means unlimited.
- bytes: Quota limit in bytes, 0 means unlimited.
- messages: Quota limit in number of messages, 0 means unlimited. This probably isn't very useful.
- backend: Quota backend-specific limit configuration.
- ignore: Don't inclu
- Mailbox quota: see ../tools/dovecot-quota-warning.sh
- /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
- backup: ../tools/backup_iRedMail.sh
- Advanced message Search option in webmail; example: some one search
message like: subject, attachment, to, cc, bcc, flaged, domain,
messege size, as like zimbra advance search
- Roundcube already has this feature, but it's not so user-friendly.
You can type 'body: search_string' in search field, or 'to:
[email protected]' etc.
- blocking extensions: .xls, .doc, .pdf, .com, .exe, .rar, .zip, etc.
- http://wiki.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting
- disclaimer http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic210-faq-how-to-enable-signing-disclaimer-on-outgoing-mails.html
- testing http://www.gfi.com/emailsecuritytest/
Sender Policy Framework
- how do you turn off greylisting?
- in
/etc/policyd.conf set GREYLISTING=0 and then
restart policyd
- or try to make the interval time shorter:
TRIPLET_TIME=1m ; 1m is 1 minute.
- http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic209-faq-iredmail-opens-which-service-ports.html
- how can I disable the IPTables that was shipped with iredmail on
/etc/init.d/iptables stop or
- If you want do disable it on system startup, run:
chkconfig --level
345 iptables off
TCP ports to open:
# http/https
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 80,443 -j ACCEPT
# smtp/smtps
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 25,587,465 -j ACCEPT
# pop3/pop3s
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 110,995 -j ACCEPT
# imap/imaps
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 143,993 -j ACCEPT
# ldap/ldaps
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 389,636 -j ACCEPT
# ftp.
INPUT -p tcp -m multiport —dport 21,20 -j ACCEPT
# ssh
INPUT -p tcp —dport 22 -j ACCEPT